Tarot cards are an interesting way to hear something about your life and to get answers to important questions.
The answers that you will get are mostly yes or no, but it is very important to know the symbolism of the tarot card that appeared to you during the tarot reading.
Each tarot card has its own meaning and it gives an answer to a certain question.
Also, it is very important to consider whether the tarot card was upright or reversed, as this will greatly affect the meaning of the tarot card itself.
In this text we will talk about the Lovers tarot card.
This tarot card is generally a good sign and it announces a successful period ahead of you, especially when it comes to love relationships but also when it comes to general relationships with people.
However, if you stay with us, you will have the opportunity to learn more about this tarot card and its symbolism.
The Lovers Tarot Card – Yes or No?
Before we tell you what the Lovers tarot card actually means, we are going to reveal you what answer you are going to get if the Lovers tarot card appears in your tarot reading.
Well, if the Lovers tarot card shows up in its upright position, the answer that you will get to your question is usually “yes”.
The Lovers tarot card upright is associated with romance, purity and relationships.
Sometimes this card will make you think of your decisions or important choices in your life.
If you get the Lovers tarot card in your reading as the answer to your questions, you should understand it as an encouragement at the moment when you need to make important decisions.
You should also know that the Lovers tarot card is a symbol of harmony and trust, which means that you should listen to your intuition and follow your own emotions.
If the Lovers tarot card upright appears in its upright position, it could be also a sign that people love you and support you in everything you do.
There are people around you who encourage you, so there must be a lot of harmony, companionship and pure love in your life.
To sum up, the answer that you will get from the Lovers tarot card upright is definitely “yes”.
On the other side, if the Lovers tarot card is in its reversed position, the answer that you will get to your question will be “no”.
The Lovers tarot card in its reversed position usually indicates that there is imbalance in your life and poor communication with other people, too.
The biggest problem is that you don’t have your own peace and balance. Because of that it may be hard for you to make harmony with people around you, too.
The Lovers tarot card reversed is reminding you of your own values. You need to trust yourself more and to accept yourself with all your good and bad traits.
Now when you know what answers you are going to get if the Lovers tarot card appears in your tarot reading, we are going to explain you more thoroughly all the meanings related to this tarot card, both in its upright and reversed position.
Meaning of the Lovers Tarot Card Upright
General Meaning. If the Lovers tarot card upright appears in your tarot reading, we have told you that its answer is “yes”.
This tarot card is a symbol of trust, affection and harmony that exist in your relationship or marriage. The Lovers tarot card in its upright position is a good omen and you don’t have to worry.
This tarot card will tell you that you have found the right partner for you or we can say, you have found your soul mate.
People on the Lovers tarot card are naked, which also symbolizes purity and closeness between a man and a woman.
If the Lovers tarot card shows up in your love reading, it is a symbol of pure love between you and your partner.
There is confidence and trust in your relationship. Apart from that, you are very close to your partner and there is a strong spiritual connection between you.
Another meaning related to the Lovers tarot card is communication.
If you saw this tarot card in front of you, it could means that you should have an open communication with your partner and your relationship should be based on honesty and trust.
Whenever you feel bad about something, you should be honest to your partner and share everything with him/her. That’s what the Lovers tarot card is suggesting you if it appears in your tarot reading.
Apart from that, the Lovers tarot card is also seen as a symbol of important choices and decisions that you have to make in this life.
It is up to you how you are going to live your life and what kind of a relation you are going to have with other people.
The Lovers tarot card may be warning you to make decisions on your own and to learn how to make a difference between important and unimportant things in your life.
Also, this tarot card is reminding you of your own values and qualities. You need to accept yourself and your own beliefs.
Only when you have enough confidence, you will be able to make the right decisions and choices in your life.
Love and Relationship. We have already mentioned that seeing the Lovers tarot card in your love reading is a very good sign. Of course, the answer that you will get if this tarot card is in the upright position is “yes”.
It means that your relationship will be better than ever. You will make a great connection to your partner at emotional, but also at spiritual, physical and mental level.
People will admire your love and you will notice that it will grow more and more every day. Of course, sometimes you will need to sacrifice something in order to achieve the purity and the highest level of emotions.
If you had luck to see this tarot card in your love reading, then you should know that the universe will encourage you to maintain your relationship, even though there might be some problems between you and your partner.
The Lovers tarot card is telling you that if you make a compromise sometimes, there will be harmony in your relationship and you will have a nice future with your partner.
However, if the Lovers tarot card appears in your reading and you don’t have a partner yet, it could be a message for you not to worry, because very soon real love will come on your door.
The Lovers tarot card is telling you that love has found a way to your life and you just have to be a little more patient.
What is most important is that the love that will come into your life will be based not only on physical attraction, but it will be full of pure emotions.
The Lovers tarot card is precisely that. It is a symbol of purity and emotions, as well as a symbol of unconditional love and trust.
Apart from a spiritual, emotional and physical connection with your partner, this tarot card is telling you that you will be mentally attached to each other like never before.
Job, finances and career. The Lovers tarot card can also appear if you want to find out something about your finances. In this case, this tarot card will make you choose between two expensive things in your life.
Actually, it will tell you that you cannot have both things. You need to decide what is more important for you.
For example, would you like to buy a new car or you prefer going to the summer vacation? You will not have money for both expenses and because of that you have to decide what is more important for you.
Another meaning of the Lovers tarot card is related to your job. It could mean that you will get on well with your business partner and it is possible that you start a new project with him.
If the Lovers tarot card appears in your job reading, it means that the project that you start will certainly bring you a lot of success.
However, there is one more meaning related to the Lovers tarot card and its connection with job.
Actually, this tarot card can indicate sometimes that you may fall in love with your business partner.
Because of that the Lovers tarot card may be warning you to be careful because it can be dangerous to combine pleasure and business.
This tarot card tells you that you should maintain exclusively business relations with your colleagues, and keep your private life aside.
It is the only way to be successful and to be respected by people around you.
Another thing that has to do with your work and career is that it may be good for you to change your job.
You may not like it at first, but the Lovers tarot card that appears in your career reading is telling you that you should not worry.
A new workplace can be very good and beneficial for you.
Also, the Lovers tarot card is telling you that it may be the right time to make extra money, which means that it may be the time to start a new business or a new project right now.
Also, if the Lovers tarot card appears in your career reading, it could be a sign that you need to make an important decision when it comes to your career.
You may not be sure what you want to do in your life and what career to choose. Because of that it may be important for you to bring some important decisions when it comes to your job and career.
Health and well-being. The Lovers tarot card in its upright position can also have an important meaning when it comes to health reading.
In this sense, the Lovers tarot card is telling you that you are going to overcome all health issues and challenges if you have the support of people that you love.
If your partner is supporting you or if you can rely on your friends and family, you don’t have to worry about your health.
Apart from that, the Lovers tarot card in its upright position can refer to the heart health.
If this tarot card appears in your health reading, it could be a warning for you to take more care of your heart in the future.
You should check if your heart is healthy and seek medical help if necessary.
Another thing that the Lovers tarot card is telling you if it shows up in your health reading is that you should be aware of your own values and accept all your faults.
The Lovers tarot card is telling you that most important is to live in harmony with yourself. It is time to turn to spiritual aspects of your being and to heal yourself from inside.
Of course, the support of your loved persons will help you in that. Love and support from people around you will help you feel better in both physical and spiritual way.
It is one of the most important messages that you will get if the Lovers tarot card appears in your tarot reading and if it is in its upright position.
You are going to see now what the Lovers tarot card means when it is in a reversed position.
Meaning of the Lovers Tarot Card Reversed
General meaning. If the Lovers tarot card appears in your tarot reading in a reversed position, it is a sign that your relationships with other people are not very good.
There may be a problem in your communication with others and you have always a feeling that you are not on the same wavelength with them.
Also, the Lovers tarot card is telling you that your values may be different from the values of other people.
It is especially obvious when we talk about your love life.
You may have completely different opinions and attitudes from your partner and because of that there may be problems in your relationship or marriage very often.
Love and relationship. As we have said, the Lovers tarot card that is in a reversed position usually indicates that there are many differences between you and your partner.
However, the Lovers tarot card in its reversed position is telling you that you should change something and show compassion in order to make things better.
Also, you should think about the strong sexual connection that still exists between you and your partner.
But, if you feel that you and your partner are very different from each other, you should think of going on and ending your relationship.
If your goals and views of the future are completely different and if you don’t feel that you are close to each other like you were before, it could mean that you should not stay with that person anymore.
Also, the Lovers tarot card reversed is telling you that the most common sign that you should move on and no longer stay in a relationship is if there is no respect and trust between you and your partner.
Job, finances and career. If you see the Lovers tarot card reversed in your financial reading, it could mean that you don’t know to use money properly, which means that your decisions related to money are not very prudent.
The Lovers tarot card reversed means that you always want everything and immediately, especially when it comes to money.
You are often in an excessive hurry with decisions and that is why you often find yourself in a financial loss.
If you saw the Lovers tarot card in your career reading and if it was reversed, it means that you should take more care of your budget and you should start saving money.
Also, the Lovers tarot card usually indicates that you may have a conflict with your colleagues. In order to avoid it, you should try to make a compromise sometimes.
Another meaning of the Lovers tarot card when it comes to job and finances is that if you have a romantic relationship with someone on your job, it could have bad consequences for you.
If you mix pleasure and business, it will bring you a lot of problems and that’s why you should avoid such situations.
Health and well-being. If the Lovers tarot card appears in your health reading, it means that you should think more of what your body really needs.
Sometimes it will be necessary to take a rest and to bring your own emotions in balance.
Only when you are in harmony with yourself, you will be able to have good relation with others and to live in harmony with them.
The Lovers tarot card reversed is reminding you that you need to accept your body and live in cooperation with it.
It may be good to make some little changes in your lifestyle in order to make your life better.
This tarot card is also telling you that you should listen to the signals that your body is sending to you every day.
For the beginning, you should take a day off and give your body a little rest and joy.
It is the first step that you can make for yourself, in order to feel better and to be satisfied with yourself, both physically and mentally.
As you could see, the Lovers tarot card is a positive omen in most cases. When it is in the upright position, it can be a symbol of commitment, compassion, pure emotions and trust.
Also, this tarot card will tell you that you have a great support of your family members, colleagues and other people around you, so you should be grateful for that.
If the Lovers tarot card is upright, it indicates that many great things are expecting you in the future and you don’t have to worry.
On the other side, the answer that you will get if the Lovers tarot card is reversed is usually “no”, which means that there may be a certain conflict or some bad energy in your life right now.
When the Lovers tarot card is reversed, it usually means that you should make some little changes, in order to bring balance and harmony into your life.
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